Sunday, September 27, 2009

Status Report

I have decided to shorten my trip by a few days, now instead of 14 nights I will be staying only 10. I decided to do this to cut costs (my total decreased by over $500) and to make it easier to get time off when I finally find a decent job. Other than that my plans remain the same.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jewelry Blog Is Up!!!

Well, I have officially decided to start up my own jewelry blog and since more people have viewed this one lately I decided to ship it. If you wish to check it out go my profile page and click on "Hana Creations". Or here's a link... Hana Creations.

It's my little space to talk about the jewelry I make, also I will post small tutorials here and there that I'll call Project Thursday. And yes, they will actually be posted on Thursdays. The projects will be simple beginner stuff, with the occasional harder lesson. There is already one up for Simple Beaded Earrings, but if you'd clicked on the link you already know that. Soon there will be a link to my ArtFire shop, whenever I finally get that up and running...

As for news about my trip, I afraid the only thing new is that I finally got off my butt to open a savings account. Still no real job, still no offers for a real job, and so far only one craft fair that I can enter for the holiday season. And it's in December... great help that is now. Why are these craft fairs so elusive. There's nothing posted online for my area.

Sorry, I felt like whining. Feel free to ignore it.