I have found the cutest little hotel... right in the middle of the Imperial Palace District!!! More specifically in Jimboucho!!! For those who don't know, that's the bookstore district. The hotel is just about a 5 minute walk from the antique bookstores too.
And guess the price!!! Only 6090 Yen a night. That's approximately $61 a night!! What a steal. Plus there's an in-house laundry, a 24-hour cafe, and wireless Internet.
But hold your breath for me 'cause I still have to get the money and make reservations. I'm crossing my fingers that a group doesn't book it before I can snag a room.
I also got an estimation on how mush the plane tickets will cost... let's just say I'll be using the money I save on the hotel to cover it... I figure around $1100 give or take a few hundred. Thank God that's the round-trip fare.
Other costs/allowances include food ($1000), Transit costs ($100), Admission fees ($200), Back-up money ($300), shopping allowance ($500 or more), and Pre-travel expenses ($300).
All in all, this 2 -week trip will probably cost somewhere between $3750 and $4500!
damn thats a lot of money, so im guessing you hope to leave in 250 some odd days? about 8 months and save about 500 a month? sounds do able.